Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tonight we had pictures for the church directory. We've been included in the church's phone directory every year, but I still can't get over the fact that we've been in the same place and in the same parish long enough to be part of the photo directory. In other words, I'm feeling old. The directory pictures were OK and I wouldn't recommend the family wearing white shirts again - the proofs looked a little washed out and I rarely like photos of myself (that's why I'm usually the one taking the pictures). But I couldn't resist snapping a couple pictures of the kids beforehand. It's not often they are both dressed up and clean at the same time. I have no idea why Ryan decided to include the tiger in the picture. Honestly, it was probably the last thing he saw when he left the room, hence, it's now the most important thing he has and needs to be included in the picture. 

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